Secret Drawing Box

How to play secret drawing box

Step 1: Open and click on create button.


Step 2: Enter your name and click on continue button.


Step 3: Now share your link with your friends and family on social media. You can do this directly from here by clicking on different social media button.
Or you can just copy your box link and share it anywhere you want.


Step 4: Now scroll down a bit and you can see Check drawings button. Click on it to see all the drawings you have got from your friends and family or wherever you shared your link. Remember, you can't see who has drawn what - that's the game! fun!


Step 5: Here you can see all the drawings you have got from your friends and family or wherever you shared your link. You can now download it by clicking on save button or delete it if you don't want to see it anymore.


Step 6: Click on Notify Me button to get latest updates about secret drawing box. It will not notify for everytime you get a drawing, it's just for updates. And some are just reminder to check box. You can block it anytime from your browser settings.



  • Get anonymous drawing from your Friends & Coworkers.
  • Improve your Friendship by discovering your Strengths and areas of Improvement.
  • Note: we are not responsible for any drawings/pictures you get, you can delete that drawing, this game is just for fun
  • Do not create an account in private or incognito mode, you will not be able to login because this requires cookies to access your box.
  • This account will be active for 1 year. After that, you will have to create a new account. Your account will be deleted after 1 year. So make sure you download all the drawings you want to keep.
  • If cookies get deleted somehow (the default is 1 year), you will not be able to access your box. Please keep downloading your drawings so you don't lose them in the case of cookies getting cleared.
  • You can access your box only from the same browser and device you used to create your account.
  • If you delete your box, you will not be able to access your box again. Also, it will delete all your drawings. So please keep downloading your drawings that you want to keep.

More you share your link, more you get drawings.

Have fun!